The goal of this brief was to communicate the essence of a poignant and touching short-film, titled 'Dotty', which highlighted the emotive issues surrounding Alzheimer's disease and familial love. Due to the project not being focused on creating a commercial product, the aim of the cover was to embrace the unique qualities of the short-film rather than using a scene directly from the film itself as part of the overall design.
My objective with this promotional booklet was to capture in a conceptual and symbolic way, the wistfulness and heartache which was a compelling component throughout the screenplay. The use of flowers and a flying bird as figurative representations of the elderly main character, Dotty, and her care-giver also creates an aesthetic evocative of an older generation. The displaced seeds along with the blurred and sometimes misty quality of the watercolour helps communicate Dotty's disposition in a manner which aims to be as sensitive and compassionate as the outlook and approach of the filmmakers.
Role | Concept Development, Design, Illustration, Typography & Copy Text Layout Year | 2018 User | Limerick School of Art & Design

All product mock-ups belong to their respective owners and are used with permission under free personal and commercial use agreement.